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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Nov 28, 2017

This meditation starts with some simple stretching and explores a slow motion release of the hands. 

You’ll then move into a guided body scan meditation, a period of self-observation and a final inquiry into effortless awareness.


Nov 28, 2017

This talk explores how you can free yourself from life-depleting habits.

You’ll learn how addiction is about seeing more clearly as to how you try to escape reality, how these habits can be as subtle as your thoughts and how some essential strategies can create more freedom and new possibilities in your life.


Nov 21, 2017

This talk explores how to get free from the struggle of conflict.

You’ll learn about the nature of conflict, the importance of being honest and clear about your side of things, a process for getting free and the importance of viewing your conflicts as opportunities for growth.


Nov 15, 2017

This talk explores how you can transform your relationship with anger.

You’ll learn about the nature and source of anger as well as a few strategies for working directly with strong energy and emotions when they arise.

Nov 7, 2017

This talk explores how you can transform your relationship to anxiety.

You’ll learn how anxiety is natural function of human evolution, how to identify the source of your anxiety and a method of directly inquiring into what’s between you and feeling happy.