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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Feb 27, 2018

This talk explores how to embrace emptiness in your practice and in your life.

You’ll learn the essential teachings on emptiness, ways you can explore this in your meditation practice and how the understanding of emptiness can lead to increased happiness and freedom.


Feb 14, 2018

This meditation begins with a few minutes of movement.  You should feel no strain.  Be sure to release the posture if it feels at all uncomfortable.

As you continue, you’ll be guided to relax and feel deeply inside and settle your attention on a focal point of breath, sound or feeling.  Occasional reminders will call...

Feb 14, 2018

This talk explores how you can transform your relationship with your inner critic.

You’ll learn the origins of negativity bias, how that critical voice forms in your early development and how the miracle of self-awareness can lead to a life guided by wise discrimination.

Feb 6, 2018

This talk explores more on the essential techniques that make up a mindfulness meditation practice.

You’ll learn ways you can use breath and sound, variations of the body-scan technique and the practice of ‘noting,’ which can sharpen attention and develop a sense of non-judging awareness of change.