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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Dec 26, 2022

This talk explores the nature of enlightenment.

You’ll learn about the qualities of an awake being and some of the practices and traditions that help make awakening possible, ranging from willful effort to deep surrender.

This talk contains multiple short meditations and inquiries.

Dec 16, 2022

You’ve heard about right brain / left brain functioning and may be familiar with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s “God” experiences when her left brain was damaged.  But what happens when you experience a right brain injury?

Dr. John Britton describes what happened that caused severe damage to his right brain, what...

Dec 7, 2022

This talk explores how slowing down can transform your life.

You’ll learn about the impact of slowing down not only to be more effective in getting things done, but how slowing down can open up new insights into the nature of the self.   We’ll explore a specific meditation practice as well as practical ways you can...

Dec 2, 2022

This week’s podcast is from my interview with Rachel Krantz and her wonderful podcast, “Help Existing.”

This week I'm talking with meditation teacher Jonathan Foust about the tendency of the mind to live in the future. Whether it's fantasizing or mundane planning, I know I often find my mind off in the future....

Nov 24, 2022

This talk explores the transformative power of gratitude.


You’ll learn how gratitude is a doorway to happiness, how gratitude is related to “evolutionary biology,” how gratitude can help you reframe your biggest challenges in life and can help you access resilience, creativity and compassion.