Feb 19, 2014
Do you feel steady in the midst of contant change and turmoil? Equanimity is considered the flower of all mindfulness and compassion practices.
This talk explores both the qualities of steadiness as well as the 'near-enemies,' states that look like equanimity but fall short. You'll explore some practices and hear...
Feb 12, 2014
The third out of four sessions on the Heart Practices, this talk explores what it means to cultivate 'sympathetic joy,' your capacity to experience joy for yourself as well as for others.
An unrestricted heart effortlessly opens to kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. When you consciously explore any of these...
Feb 4, 2014
This meditation starts with arms overhead, opening into sensation and a slow motion release of the hands. You'll be guided later in a brief reflection on Three Characteristics of Reality and in the final five minutes, an inquiry into allowing and resting in presence.
Feb 4, 2014
This is the second in a series of four talks on the Heart Practices.
After a few questions regarding meditation practice and technique, this talk explores cultivating compassion as a practice. The Heart Practices can be quite transformative and thereby challenging. Among the topics: working with what arises in...