Aug 29, 2017
This talk explores three elements that can form your personality.
You'll learn about the challenges as well as the strengths of each type, how to find balance and ultimately, to realize who you are free from all conditioning.
Aug 15, 2017
This talk explores how to work with previously unseen and challenging forces that can arise in your life.
You'll learn about your relationship with your shadow, how to recognize when it arises, how to work with it and some thoughts on how to work with the shadow in our culture.
Aug 8, 2017
This talk explores the 10th of the Ten Perfections: Equanimity.
You'll learn about the call to see beyond the weather systems of the mind, the techniques that support seeing more clearly, the glimpses of Equanimity that arise in practice and how to cultivate the possibility for greater equanimity and steadiness in...
Aug 1, 2017
This talk explores the 9th of Ten Perfections: Loving Kindness.
You'll learn what happens in the absence of kindness, how to develop and cultivate the heart and what happens when you immerse yourself in the intention to be a 'well-wisher of all.'