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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

May 24, 2018

This talk explores the transformational power  of awareness.

You’ll learn what happens when you bring awareness to the body and to the formation of thoughts and beliefs, what happens when you suspend effort yet remain aware, and some key practices that help you cultivate the practice of being aware of awareness...

May 24, 2018

This talk explores the art and practice of cultivating loving kindness (metta) toward yourself and others.

You’ll learn why the practice is so critical to the development of heart and mind, the importance of improvisation and customizing your practice so it resonates for you and you’ll be guided through a variety of...

May 17, 2018

This talk explores how to help yourself and others transform your experience of the fear and helplessness associated with trauma.

You’ll learn the triggers, how to recognize the signs and reactionary patterns as well as explore some techniques for working with challenging life situations.

May 8, 2018

The talk explores ways you can remember to pause in the middle of activity and reinforce non-judging awareness.

You’ll learn some strategies to help you remember to call your attention back to the moment, the Minimum Effective Dose for practices and the power of building in rituals that help you slow down and remember...

May 3, 2018

This talk explores why intimate awareness of your body is a portal into seeing clearly into the nature of reality.

You’ll learn how to fully arrive in the Here and Now through conscious relaxation and receiving sensations as they arrive, how to work with challenges as they arise and what you may discover when you...