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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Nov 24, 2015

This talk explores how you can offer compassion for others.
You’ll learn about the the nature of compassion, the essential elements of the practice, potential pitfalls and the relationship between compassion and karma .

Nov 17, 2015

This talk explores how you can cultivate compassion for yourself.
You’ll learn how you lose your connection to compassion, ways to reconnect and heal and some pointers on the path of awakening the heart.

Nov 10, 2015

This talk explores the power of loving kindness.
You’ll learn how you can open to receive kindness, how to tune in to those around you and anticipate how they best receive and explore what happens with the intention to live from an open heart.

Nov 3, 2015

Short orientation and a guided meditation that moves from concentration to mindfulness to an inquiry into release and surrender.
From the Fall 2015 IMCW Retreat.

Nov 3, 2015

From the afternoon Metta meditation at the 2015 IMCW Fall Retreat.  Brief instructions and orientation and three guided meditations on shifting your relationship with pain.  

You’ll explore the zones of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral sensation, a loving kindness body scan and using mindful breath, offering...