Oct 30, 2018
This talk explores a classic story as to how you can sidestep unnecessary suffering.
You’ll learn how unconsciously you exacerbate the pain that happens in life by adding an unnecessary narrative and ceaseless speculation rather than attending to and addressing the initial wound itself.
Oct 23, 2018
This talk explores how you can get clarity in times of internal discord.
You’ll learn how clarifying the competing desires inside can provide insight as well as how drawing on both the heart and body can open you to new possibilities in your life.
Oct 16, 2018
This talk explores the nature of “self” and the transformational teachings on “not self.”
You’ll learn how helpful it is to be intimately acquainted the conditioned self, the transcendent experience of ‘forgetting the self’ and how to cultivate a selfless self in a world of selfish...
Oct 2, 2018
This talk explores how you can embrace embarrassment and self-consciousness as a transformational practice.
You’ll learn a fundamental strategy for converting awkwardness into wisdom and suggestions as to how you can live a life committed to increasing your capacity for happiness and freedom.