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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Mar 31, 2021

This guided meditation starts with a reflection on kindness to yourself and offers a breathing technique to cultivate deepening relaxation. You’ll then move to classic practices for gathering attention and resting in presence and toward the end, you can freely offer kindness to yourself and all beings.

Mar 30, 2021

This talk explores the power of grit.


You’ll learn the importance of first creating goals that are fully aligned with your heart and spirit and then developing your capacity to stay on your path, developing both perseverance as well as deep, intuitive inner listening.

Mar 21, 2021

This talk explores how to attune to what is true.

You’ll learn how to discern between conventional and eternal truth, two essential teachings of truth and how to use your relationships and wise speech as a doorway to greater clarity and self-awareness.

Mar 16, 2021

This talk explores how to cultivate the quality of patience and self-restraint.


You’ll learn about the power of refraining from those who have caused you harm, how to endure hardship, how to cultivate greater confidence in ultimate truth and about the near-enemies of patience and forbearance.

Mar 9, 2021

This talk explores how to cultivate vitality, courage and resilience in your life.


You’ll learn how you can manage the energy you have and how to build vigor and confidence to pursue that which calls you.