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A Guiding Teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and co-founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute, Jonathan offers talks, guided meditations and inquiries into what it means to be awake in mind and heart.

Jul 29, 2020

This talk explores what is means to be awake.


You’ll learn how wakefulness includes being more self-aware and aware of others, but also what it means to be awake to reality and the laws of nature.


The title of this talk is taken from a wonderful poem by Danna Faulds.  


You can order the book from which this came...

Jul 23, 2020

This talk explores the seventh factor of awakening.


You’ll learn how this factor is the the complete expression of all and as you cultivate both spaciousness and steadiness, wisdom and compassion can flow unrestricted.

Jul 16, 2020

This talk explores the power of sustained attention.


You’ll learn about the consequence of chronic distraction, the levels of concentration you can achieve in your meditation practice,  how to balance concentration with deep relaxation and how to bring more sustained focus into your life.

Jul 7, 2020

This talk explores how to cultivate a calm and relaxed presence.


You’ll learn how tranquility is critical to mindfulness practice and sets the stage for more and more intimate awareness of what is happening and how you are holding it.