Sep 24, 2019
This guided heart meditation explores the practice of bringing gratitude and compassion deeply into the felt-sense of your body and systematically offering well-being and best-wishes to others.
This meditation is from the 2019 IMCW Spring Retreat.
Sep 16, 2019
This final evening talk of a weeklong retreat explores mindfulness through the lens of the hero’s journey.
You’ll learn about the call to inner practice, how to work the trials and challenges that arise, the process of opening to insight and the reflection on your return home.
This talk is from the 2019 IMCW...
Sep 12, 2019
This talk explores what happens when you deeply relax and pay attention to your moment-to-moment experience.
You’ll learn about the process of settling attention in the here and now, how to recognize the characteristics of what is changing and the subtlety of how you are relating to change and how to reflect on...
Sep 12, 2019
In this fifth morning of a week-long meditation retreat, you’ll be guided through a centering body scan, directed to an anchor of your choosing with options to more deeply investigate challenges that arise and toward the end of the meditation you’ll be invited to rest in presence and turn your attention toward...